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I won! I won! |
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At the Bingo Hall with our lucky trinkets |
Beantown bound!
I traveled with 4 of my best friends to visit my sister in Boston! The city itself was so AWESOME. If you think of a “cute downtown” area for whatever city you live in, imagine that on every street and building. And on top of that, there were historical and/or famous sites around every turn. In addition to just loving the city, it was so great seeing my sister! I miss her so much! It was cool to see her life there—her house, the 3 year old that she nannys for, her bank (hahaha), etc!
Just to name a few of the adventures: We walked around the Hahvahd Yahd. We ate real clam chowdah at the oldest restaurant in America. We drank a beer in the oldest pub in America. We climbed aboard the U.S.S. Constitution—an undefeated battleship. I drove a DUK across the Charles River. We ate crepes and cannolis. (to see pics, check out my facebook album that will be posted soon)
I loved the whole trip, but hands down my favorite part was when we went to Fenway Park for a Red Sox game. Just in general, this experience was cool because Fenway is legendary. We only had standing room seats, which wasn’t a big deal, but it just meant that we leaned against a railing and stood on our tippy toes to try and see over the crowd to the field. At least, that’s how we started the game...
About halfway through the game, 4 of the 7 of us went to get Fenway Franks. The other 3 of us stayed to guard our spots on the railing. Lots of time went by before I received a text from the other group telling us they had found some seats and they would switch out with us after a few innings. After a little while, we found our own seats that were pretty decent—they weren’t great and weren’t bad, but they were fine so we “couldn’t imagine that the other group had better seats.”
More time passes, more texts from us go unanswered, until finally we hear Mike shouting our names from atop our section. We are full of questions—where have you been? Why didn’t you respond to all our texts? Where are your seats? Tell everyone to sit here; there are plenty of seats! But all these questions fell on deaf ears. They were all smiling and just motioning us to come up there. It was then I knew…I knew that something great had happened. You see, there is something inexplicable that takes place when our group takes trips together—the most amazingly lucky things happen. Something big, shocking, and surprising always happens. And I. LOVE. IT.
This trip was no exception as we get to the top of our section for our friends to hand us the tickets. The tickets read “Row 1.” And where on Row 1? THE OWNER’S BOX. Apparently an usher had randomly asked them if they wanted free tickets. They said, “sure!” He hands the tickets over and says, “don’t tell anyone I gave these to you and don’t embarrass me. Have fun!”
Time for us to freak out—aas;ldkjfa;slkdfj;aslkdjfa;lskdjf;aslkdjfa;ksdfj--only for our friends to yell, “Go! Hurry! We’ve been trying to text you for so long so we could switch, just get down there!”
So off we ran. Past all the other sections. Down the stairs. Through a security guard ticket check. Lifted a chain to the Owner's Box. And down we sat. On row 1. Seat 4. To our right: the Red Sox dugout. And the Red Sox owner. To our left: a sport’s photographer. To our front: a door that opened to the field. The on-deck circle. And the best view I’ve ever had at a sporting event. EVER.
It was one of those moments when you are acutely aware that this will never happen again. Truly a once in a lifetime experience. This goes down in the books as easily one of the coolest things I’ve ever gotten to do. So, that’s the story of how we sat front row in the owner’s box at Fenway Park.
From Bingo to Baseball. Another epic trip. I couldn’t be more thankful for random blessings!!!