Thursday, March 31, 2011

As of Late…

Neon Dynamite softball is in full swing (no pun intended) and our record is 3-1!  Our team is not only skilled, but also hilarious and fun!  At one point this week while on the field, we encountered a “pickle,” to which multiple Neon Dynamitans yelled “pickle!!” while it was happening.  Case and point.  And for the record, we did get the out. J  I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend my Monday nights! 

I was asked to help a radio station with a music research event.  My coworker and I did the check-in for the event and it was all so mysterious.  The participants did not know who asked them to join the research, nor did we.  The room was filled with 59 women and they were asked to listen to around 400 song clips and rate them.  We were all paid in cash at the end.  Because I knew nothing of the purposes or who put on the event, my imagination ran wild into thinking that we were all part of some elaborate human experiment.  I still don’t know the whats or the whos of the event, but for 3 hours that night, I wished I had majored in psychology.

I am loving reading through the book of John again.  I am recalling old lessons learned as well as learning new ones.  I am also loving reading “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

I went to two weddings on the same day.  Both weddings were perfectly designed for the bride and groom, but couldn’t have been more different.  I truly felt like my life was a movie when I jumped in the car after wedding #1 with my 3 besties and then 3.5 hours later we were in a different state at a different wedding in a different dress.  Here’s to wedding season!  I love people in love!

Elizabeth helped me to cross off #41 on my list!

I wore a gold sparkly headband and got called the following nicknames: Cleopatra, glitter head, princess, hippie, fairy, Wonder Woman, dancing queen, and was told that “if Pocahontas was still alive, she would be jealous of my headband.”

In the past week, I have: taken my car in to get the window fixed, gotten a haircut, gotten my bridesmaid dress altered, gotten an oil change, gotten my teeth cleaned, and dusted my room.  I literally had to do maintenance on my life.  Phew, boring errands officially over for now. 

The two biggest surprises: my cupcakes have been made 5 times since their debut appearance earlier this month and I am currently 1st and 2nd place in my two bracket pools!  All too shocking!

Coming up, I am: working Pine Cove’s Free Family Day in Columbus, TX this weekend.  Attending my first crawfish boil (take that, #76!). Being a bridesmaid in Arian’s wedding.  Visiting my sister in Boston. 

Life is great and rich and fun.

"From the fullness of his grace, we have all received one blessing after another."
-John 1:16 

Friday, March 18, 2011

100 Things to Do in 2011

I am not usually one for lists because I don’t really like to take the time to make one, and then if I do, I usually end up losing it.  Anyway, this year, after reading a list my cousin Tyler made, I decided to make a list of 100 THINGS TO DO IN 2011.  Some are practical, some are adventurous, and some are just fun.  I have already done some of the things, so yay!  I hope you enjoy my list and I would love it if there are any items that you would like to partake in with me!  Also, as you will notice, the list is naturally still incomplete, so all suggestions are welcome!!  I need some more ideas!!

Now, without further ado…

100 THINGS TO DO IN 2011:

1)      Learn to play guitar
2)      Visit sister in Boston
3)      Send someone an anonymous package in the mail
4)      Take a vitamin every day for a month
5)      Go skiing (it’s been 2 years…ughgh this just isn’t right!)
6)     Give up fast food for a month
7)      Get a curling iron
8)      Read “To Kill a Mockingbird” and 10 other classics
9)      Go sailing
10)   Surprise visit someone
11)   Attend an OU football game (at least 1!!!!)
12)   Tighten/redo my budget
13)   Paint a canvas
14)   Buy a stranger’s coffee
15)   Work out every day for 35 days in a row
16)   Attend a Rangers baseball game
17)   Learn to tie a tie
18)   Bake Red Velvet cupcakes
19)   Donate to Courtney in Haiti
20)   Mail 5 postcards
21)   Buy a new pair of heels
22)   Attend some of Doug’s baseball games
23)   Play a kickball game
24)   Apply to do something totally random
25)   Play catch with someone
26)   Climb a tree
27)   Go to a drive-in movie
28)   Star gazing
29)   Drink a bottle of wine on a boat dock with friends
30)   Ride rides at a roadside carnival
31)   Visit Mike at Disneyworld
32)   Host a dinner party
33)   Kayak in the Tyler State Park
34)   Longboard!  (Seriously…anyone in Tyler have one that can come with me??)
35)   Go on a midnight adventure
36)   Finish “Our Trip Across America” scrapbook
37)   Go to Schlitterbahn and/or ride water slides
38)   Go to a concert
39)   Swing dance
40)   Put together a 1,000 piece puzzle
41)   Write a message on a balloon and let it float away
42)   Lay out on a beach
43)   Write a letter to siblings
44)   Juggle a soccer ball for 50 hits
45)   Hang out with someone I wouldn’t normally
46)   Volunteer for something
47)   Do something crazy on 11-11-11 at 11:11
48)   Go to a zoo
49)   Buy fresh flowers for someone
50)   Learn how to French braid
51)   Go to a regatta
52)   Visit Lindsay in Lubbock
53)   Find a new Bible study to go to
54)   Successfully find a geo casche
55)   Get a gym membership for 1 month
56)   Go to a play/musical
57)   Go fishing
58)   Buy a
59)   Adopt a pet
60)   Go rock climbing
61)   Find a grilled chicken recipe that I really like
62)   Make the living room picture wall
63)   Make a San Francisco photo book from our trip
64)   Run in some sort of race
65)   Floss every day for a month
66)   For each complete thing, put $5 in savings
67)   For each incomplete thing, donate $5
68)   Give blood for the first time
69)   Plant a flower garden
70)   Successfully use a planner
71)   Spring clean my room
72)   Write 3 articles/stories
73)   Pay off a credit card
74)   Take a cake decorating class
75)   Float a river
76)   Go to a crawfish broil
77)   Find a recipe to be “my thing”  that everyone knows and loves :)
78)   Be someone’s pen pal
79)   Start a softball team
80)   See a whale in the wild…or at least go on a whale watch
81)   Get my car detailed
82)   Raise money for a cause
83)   Learn a choreographed dance
84)   Play in a sand volleyball tournament
85)   Compete in some sort of random contest
86)   Eat at Unk's shrimp shack
87)   sky dive...still need to be talked into this one...
88)   Shreveparty!
89)   Make a t.v. appearance
90)   Start a fashion trend
91)   Feed a baby animal
92)   Buy roadside produce
93)   Crash a wedding
94)   Drive a tractor
95)   Sit front row on a rollercoaster
96)   Drive 200+ miles just to try out a famous restaurant

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Surprise Visits

Today two of my best friends came to surprise visit me at work!  I was just working away at my desk, when all of a sudden I hear, “so do you want to go to lunch today?”  I look up, and you can imagine my surprise when I see my two blondie friends from college!  My jaw dropped to the ground, my heart started pounding, and I was on fire—you know, all the usual symptoms of when I am surprised/shocked/extremely excited.  

As it turns out, they had been in contact with other people at work and my whole department was on guard to make sure I didn’t make other lunch plans for today (which I was in the process of doing before the girls arrived).  I was so excited to see them and just couldn’t believe they would drive all the way down here just for lunch!! 

Jill & Liz!

In college, we had all of our classes together, student taught together, and hung out all the time.  In our classes, we were known as “the three blondes” and our teachers constantly mixed up our names.  Furthermore, people always ask if we are triplets, which is just fun!  There is one more blonde that is a part of the Blonde Brigade, Gage, but he still lives in Oklahoma.  The four of us made quite the pack back in our glory days.  J 

Surprises are undoubtedly the way to my heart!  As you can imagine, my heart is so happy and full today.  I am continually amazed and so blessed by my friends, who are just the BEST.  I have been blessed in having so many great friends in so many cities and states. 

Well, I guess that was my first post on my new blogging “adventure.”  I think my next post will be my list for 2011.  I am reminded of this list because one of the items on it is to “surprise visit someone.”  You could be the lucky recipient of a surprise visit as I cross that off my list.  Take it from me—it’s one of the best things ever!

Well, signing off.  Keep it sunny, everyone.