Tuesday, February 14, 2012

HAHAHAppy Birthday!

This will always be the day that we all laughed too hard to finish singing “Happy Birthday” to our Debs.

We were having another party in our department—just another day in paradise, really. This day’s special occasion was Debbie’s birthday. Marguerite made a cake and painted Debbie’s face in icing. It was awesome. And hilarious. So our department is decorated, as it so often is, with the usual balloons and streamers.

It comes time to light the candles on the cake and sing “Happy Birthday.” We all start singing and we are all laughing from the start anticipating Debbie’s reaction to the “face cake.” By the time we get to the last round of happy birthdays, we all erupt into laughter leaving the end of the song with “Happy birthday dear Deeeee-ebs, Ha-hahahahaha.”

It was just one of those moments when you are delighted just to be alive. It sounds silly, but that moment really struck me. I was hit with how much I have loved my job for the past two years. And how I am thankful for the camaraderie of my team. So many decisions have been made after processing with this group of ladies. So many tears and laughs have been shared among all of us. I have received countless words of wisdom from Debs. I have also learned to be a multi-tasking extraordinaire…which says a lot since I was a procrastination extraordinaire all throughout college.

"Good humor and laughter are far too wonderful not to come straight from the heart of God."-Beth Moore

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